Friday, July 9, 2010

Well this is interesting - lets hope it is in the end!!

Wow, i join the legions of countless mortals who think that all their thoughts, dreams, fears and effotless dribble may actually be of benefit to someone somewhere! Oh i should be so lucky!!

So, i guess is should explain a little about myself and why i feel the need to establish this kind of global interaction. I'm a Mum, but I'm not just any Mum, i am Mum to five loud, proud and very individual children. I raise my children with the theory "If they are quiet, they are up to no good!", and i am not normally disappointed with that view - with both my own children and others offspring!

I guess you can say it forms a huge part of who i am, and it does, however, i am more than that. It does not define me. I am also someone's idea of eternity - someone feels he cannot live without me in his life, and we may not reside in the same country at this point in time, we shall one day soon.

I'm an advocate - that basically means i have a big mouth and will stand up and say things as needed. My most passionate subject would be my son, and his Autism. Most consider it an affliction - i consider it a different way of living. Connor can be difficult to live with at times, particularly when he has had a sensory overload from whatever reason at the time, but he is also the most gratifying of my children. That doesn't mean i play favourites - definitely not!! My kids are all aware i love them equally, its just that one or two require my attention more than the others. I do my best to make sure everyone gets some quality time, just not necessarily the quantity they desire. I haven't found that elusive cloning machine i desperately yearn for.

I am also extremely spiritual. I can't give you a neat little title for myself. I do what purists say you should not do - i dabble in everything, and i do everything well. Crystals, witchcraft, herbs, i write about a great many subjects and my views are always changing and expanding. I am also a budding shaman - i have always been a spiritual healer (or a remote healer if you prefer that title - i don't however) and use my hands and my empathy to achieve my results. I have located dark spots on patients before, which turned out to be cancer. I have helped an epileptic friend not have seizures for six months. I helped save my daughter's life one night when i was stranded with no way to get to the hospital - always moral and refused to use the ambulance as a taxi service. I help with depression and self esteem - i like to help people see they can achieve the impossible if they just believe in themselves.

I follow Universal Law. I don't believe in an almighty presence responsible for the existence of all we see. I don't pray or worship anyone or anything. No, i'm not athiest either, or agnostic. I have Spirit guides who come and help me as i require them. They are what most worship, but to me, they are my "friends". They do not want me to pray to them, because they believe that if they allowed that, i would be inferior to them, and they do not believe that for one second. They view me as an equal. I believe it's one of the reason my magick works so well - that self respect i have in the first place. As the scriptures state, "We are all made in God's image", then why do we believe we are lesser than He/She. If we can do and act like He or She does, why would we consider ourselves unworthy of equality?

I am a psychic, or a medium, whatever you prefer. I can use all sorts of things to help me do a reading, but i have two tarot decks i always have on hand and a selenite pendulum. My pendulum helps me with a great many things, from direct questions to Spirit, to chakra balancing, to releasing psychic drains, to healing and locating items on a map. My tools are there only to support my initial feelings. They also give me some direction when the client isn't being very forthcoming in their energetic help. After all, to do a good reading, you have to be willing to share a little of your energy.

I support the environment. I may not be as pedantic as i can be, but i am getting a lot better with age. I worry about what we put in our bodies. I worry about chemicals in the air, in the soil, in the water and what we inject into food and spray over it as well. I advocate for alternative therapies - i believe natural IS best as natural remedies were around a long time before modern mans reliance on chemicals and pharmaceuticals. I despise animal cruelty - how your treat animals is a direct reflection of how you treat others and view yourself.

Politics, music, social morality, i have an opinion on everything. My opinions have come from living over 40 years, observing and listening to a great many people from many lands, different backgrounds and not judging as futile anyone's opinion. If i don't listen to someone, i may miss out on learning something important!

Life is for living, and for learning. It isn't about controlling, manipulating or downgrading. Its about laughter, tears, loving, and maintaining happiness. I am a single Mum, for the moment. I am twice divorced, and heading towards my third marriage. I am Australian born and bred, i bleed green and gold, but home isn't here anymore, it has shifted to Texas. Home is where the heart is. But i will never give up my heritage. And my partner supports me in that - he says it is one of the reasons i fell for you, why would i expect you to get rid of it!

I am not discriminatory, for the most part. I am human and have my moments like everyone else, particulary when myself or my children have been the victim of racial or sexual harrassment. I adopt a person by person approach, not a blanket opinion of a race or religion - you get your good, bad and hypocritical everywhere.

But i can tell you, i am unique in my outlook. I have a huge and severely twisted sense of humour. I find humour in the most mundane and can make drying paint seem really exciting!

But for the most part, this blog is just a way for me to outpour my triumphs, and my failures, my hopes and my fears. I find writing hugely cathathic and incredibly soothing.

Hope you enjoy the ride...


  1. Woo hoo welcome to the world of blogging. Indeed it is cathathic and I love your first blog. Looking forward to more.

  2. This is fantatstic Chelle, so you and as always a brilliant read..Will keep following for sure

  3. Chelle. Glad you are here. Even though we've only been aquainted a month or so, I find you have important and interesting things to say!
