Monday, December 6, 2010

Good Morning, Good Morning... Good Morning to you!!

Yes i have awoken with that song ringing in my ears I'm not exactly sure why, maybe Tinkerbell snuck into my ear canal and it messing around with my neurons again!!! LOL

Yesterday was an interesting day for me.. It was a day of endings and new beginnings - and yes, i say that a lot because every moment IS a newness, but this was different... This was me welding the door shut on a situation that will continue to rise up if i allow it to... I had the situation covered legally months ago, and it had also been covered olde worlde style; it was time for me to handle it in my style, which i did, with a little help from some friends...

Today i feel a calm that has not been there for a while, if ever!

My life continually shunts me out of my comfort zone - to be honest i never really felt i had them but never mind!! LOL Being laid back and a go with the flow type person, i just thought every situation was my comfort zone... Nope, way wrong LMAO

I've already mentioned how i'm not used to being looked after - Brian and a few friends adore shaking that little tree i can tell you... being flexible, i am adapting, slowly... it's a trust thing, and not being able to trust or rely on anyone in the past... It's nice to be able to, finally!!

But what puts you in that place?? It is simple - childhood abuse; that feeling from a little kid that no one really wants you around unless they are in a bad mood so they can abuse you.. It lead to an adulthood where you threw yourself from one social interaction to another and failing regardless of who it was - except for a very few who stood by me through thick and thin... Time for those few valued relationships was my greatest enemy there (not enough)

There was a campaign on FB which i fully embraced - change your profile piccie to your favourite cartoon character to raise awareness of childhood abuse... It set the place on fire!!! Everyone jumped in to play, the commercial television networks also gave it coverage showing the people do have a little power and CAN make a difference... of course, as always, someone somewhere has to try and tarnish something good... as fast as the campaign arose, the counter campaign came in saying it was a plot for pedophiles to pray on kids... now considering no one under 13 is legally supposed to have an account, and no one should be putting their address or personal contact details onto a public social network in the first place, i was gobsmacked by the hysteria caused!!

I never add anyone unless i have a friend in common, and of course my personal abilities come into play a lot where that is concerned... common sensibilities are obviously a thing of the past for most...

Seeing all the old cartoon characters bought me back so many memories, so many good memories that i had from my youth, and to be brutally honest, i did not have many... I'm "the glass is half full and perfect the way that it is" type person 99.9% of the time (hey, no one is perfect)

More shedding of layers for this onion, closer to my happy place, and grateful for every heart wrenching moment... I've come to realise, if i don't put the effort into me, then no one will...

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