Monday, July 12, 2010

It's a new day..

"Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out"

That statement is my status on Facebook today. Yesterday was hard. Very hard. You know the kind of day you are glad something happens but at the same time you are, in some fashion, wishing you never found out. But that would be running away from the truth, and i'm not that type of girl really..

Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine.

And this....

It is a contraindication to use Tripedia vaccine after a serious allergic reaction (eg, anaphylaxis) temporally associated with a previous dose of this vaccine or with any components of this vaccine, including thimerosal and gelatin. Because of the uncertainty as to which component of the vaccine might be responsible, no further vaccination with any of these components should be given. Alternatively, such individuals may be referred to an allergist for evaluation if further immunizations are to be considered.


I've already shared about Connor's reactions to the triple antigen shots; i'm so disappointed I was waved away; gutted actually. They were probably scared I would get them for malpractice or something. Worse for me the doctor I saw is no longer practising when he used to be, so I don't even know where to go to get his records now. Poo!

But as I said, it doesn't change the fact that my son is still my son, he's just been modified to a more improved version. Yes, improved. He has taught me to see with more than just my eyes, he has taught me to hear with more than just my ears, and he has taught me to love in a way I did not believe was possible. I always thought I was a good Mum; the Mum I was and the Mum I am now are worlds apart, and I attribute a huge part of that to him.

From the time Connor received his official diagnosis to today, 3 and a half years, I have had support in my house (not including my kids) for a grand total of twelve weeks, give or take a week. I'm not totally resentful of it because it has shown me that I CAN do anything, I do not need anyone when it comes to raising my kids.

But that being said, having someone to cry to when you've had a hard day – the meltdowns, the defiance and the downright nasty that can come out of that one little person, never mind the other four children who need my time as well, and my beautiful grandson – just the fact you are one person and you can only spread yourself so far before you snap; the limits I thought I had are so far gone these days. I feel I can achieve anything! Though, I still miss someone holding my hand and saying “It's going to be alright, Chelle, promise!”

I would die for my kids, and my life is geared towards giving them the best life possible I can – it is my duty as a parent. My theory is that my kids deserved a better life than I did, and sadly, as sucky as their lives have been, they have still achieved that. They know that someone loves them, no matter what. They know I will support and advocate for them, no matter what. They know I will always be honest with them, even if it is painful for them or myself, no matter what.

So what of today, how do I move on? Like always I just do. I'm a little better today than I was yesterday. No guilt – for once no guilt entered my thoughts, no self blame; I have come such a long way. However the “do not give my children that MMR needle” from my ex husband snuck in briefly. After Trista Rae having three of the blessed things, still contracting Rubella at 5 and becoming gravely ill, what do you do? You do the only responsible thing you can do – you trust those in the know and HOPE they listen to you and do not treat you like a number.

Now all I can do is share what I know to anyone who will listen, and hope they take my advice. Am I advocating no needles – no I am not. I am saying watch your children, and in particular their reactions. Push for information, find out what goes into these chemical concoctions, and make your mind up! It is not easy – being a parent can be the most thankless job in the world at times...


there is no other job more gratifying at the end of the day...

I love you Mummy” is more precious to me than a vault of gold bars.


  1. I can totally relate. I got very sick at 16 and could have died from a disease for which there is now a vaccine AND my son had bad reactions to every one of his vaccines, a couple were VERY VERY bad. He completely changed after 1 of them. I'm always shocked when the parent of an NT child tells me their kids never had any kind of reaction to a vaccine - not even so much as a fever. I didn't even know that could happen! There are some middle of the roaders out there recognize the need for a vaccine program in general AND that there are some red flags in terms of individuals being harmed by some of their shots. Unfortunately, the Orwellian tact is to accuse anyone who raises any concerns as being "anti-vaccine".

    I hope I can get to the point where you are where you can totally see the good in what has happened. My son just dragged me across the couch by my hair while I was holding a hot cup of tea. Ouch! As soon as his Pred. dose goes below 10 mg it all starts up again but Prednisone is not safe for long term use. I'm working on it.

    I hope today brings you much cheer. So glad we have met!

  2. I am so sorry Suzanne - i am so lucky that Connor doesn't get that violent usually in his outbursts - he usually mouths off, rarely resorting to hands - except with his little sister or the dog of course... *sighs*

    the ONLY reason is can look for any positives in all of this is, well, of living the life of an abused woman for 40years - you need to find something, anything, to keep moving forward... to have another reason to open your eyes and soldier on... i might write another blog today that will illustrate why too...

    my spirituality helps too - Law of Attraction etc - and i always have looked on the bright side of life for the most part anyway... i am so glad to have met many like minded people on FB, it has restored my faith on basic humanity with the people i have met - and i have to admit my page gives me chills - 14, 000 people and slowly rising... that's amazing!!!

    I hope your day gets better - lots of love from Down Under xxx :o)

  3. Chelle you are making me consider whether I need the needles for an overseas trip. The list is a mile long, and whilst I have *touch wood* never had a reaction to a needle, will the next one give an adverse reaction. I don't have a relationship with the doctors we have out here.
    Guess I am off to the land of google for some thinking and researching and knowledge is power, especially when I am going to stick a pile of needles in my arm because I will be away for 10 days. Thinking time for QuaQua.

  4. i have the same issue with migrating to the US... yeah big decisions and yeah knowledge is all we have... xxx
